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1. 4K珍藏版:清晰度最高,无水印
2. 珍藏版:清晰度极高,无水印
3. 标准版:清晰度普通,有本站水印,可用银两购买,在求片区求片之后就会发布.点此前往求片区
4. VR版:需要使用VR设备来播放,无水印
1. 元宝可以通过充值获得,点此充值
2. 银两可以通过每日签到免费获得,点此签到,也可以用元宝兑换获得,100银两=1元宝,点此兑换
UNZIP PASSWORD: 51-inn.com
Customer service please contact: support@51-inn.com
Edition Comparing:
1.4K Collector's Edition(4K): highest quality, no watermark
2.Collector's Edition(CE): higher quality, no watermark
3.Standard Edition(SE): normal quality, with watermark, can be purchased by MP, will be published later than CE
4.VR Edition(VR): needs a VR device to play, no watermark
5.Free Demo: random quality, length and content, with watermark, can be downloaded by all registered users, will be replaced some time later
How to get YB and MP:
1.You can add credits to YB, or get YB from events
2.You can get MP free from daily sign-in, or change YB to MP, 100MP=1YB, click here to change